Friday, August 13, 2021

Information Report

I have been learning how to write an information report. This is the first time I have written an information report. 

  Information Reports 
The Axolotl is a type of water lizard. Axolotl can grow up to 23cm 9 in length. Did you know that they can come in different colours like from Pinkish, brownish and Green. They have Gills, eyes, legs, ears, and tails. They eat fish, worms, insects, and molluscs. Ther Habitat: The young live underwater and have gills. As they become an adult they lose their gills, grow lungs and live on land. I like the Axolotl because they are a type of water lizzard and eat meat just like me.

Healthy Food

We have been learning about what food is healthy to eat.Here is my food prymaid.